Wednesday, December 24, 2014

2014 Winter Count

Winter Count
For the last six years I have done what is called a Winter Count. The idea is simple. Pick one photo per month from the year and put them together in a collage. The year started with snow in January. Signs of Spring popped up as early as February. In March I bought myself a new bike. I shot my first street portrait in April when I met the tattooist Niklas. I was at a castle in May when I met Elvira. Summer arrived in June and I started shooting more portraits.Tora was easy to spot. It was Nicole's hair color I noticed first when we met back in July. For the third year running I saw Lugnet perform at the Rock in the Park festival in Tungelsta in August. I spotted Lemmy and Alice Cooper in Jordbro in September. It was a very warm Autumn, and I met a snake sunning on a bike path in late October. Superwoman walked in to my favorite cafe a day in November. A few weeks later Sarah broke two world records and won two World Championship gold medals. The sun disappeared for six weeks late in the year and the lake photo was a typical December scene.


  1. Superfint kollage med bilder från året som gått!

    En God Jul & ett Gott Nytt År önskar jag dig!

  2. Those are all wonderful shots. I especially like the portraits. Merry Christmas !

  3. Very nice collage, don't understand the snake. Merry Chirstmas.


  4. I like that idea!
    Merry Christmas!

  5. Let me say this about your 'tree'. Some Christmas you should give it ONE ornament and shoot it. Happy, Happy!

  6. Wishing you a very happy Christmas, at the end of a photographically excellent year. I enjoy your blog.

  7. Quite a collage!

    Merry Christmas to you!

  8. What a cool idea... kind of puts your whole year in perspective! Merry Christmas!!

  9. These show both what an interesting year you had and what a good photographer you are.
