Friday, October 24, 2014

The border between the living and the dead

The border between the living and the dead
The passage to the underworld is closed off at the moment. That might be good news, or bad news. The sculpture is called The Tower. Made by Jan Håfström. You can find it in the park in Tungelsta. I have showed it to you before. The first time was back in 2007.


  1. Aj då, och snart är det Allhelgonahelg... Det ser ut som om den fallit av egen kraft, för inte är det väl sabotage? (Hoppas inte, konst måste få vara ifred från illgärningsmän.)

  2. Blocked off for good reason. I hope the end result is worthy.

  3. Uh, this one is not my favorite.

  4. Wow, you've been doing this as long as I have. Why the fence? Are the mortals decaying?

  5. I thought it was a mausoleum at first... you know with living and dead theme.

  6. Uh-oh. Did something escape from the underworld ?!
