Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Apartment Buildings

New Apartments Stora Arken
The new apartment buildings at Stora Arken in Handen are taking shape. Here is another update. The last time I showed you this was in July. Shot the panorama with the pancake lens and used panorama corrector as a finishing touch. The building to the far left was constructed in 2006. Since then a new neighbourhood has been established here, and the buildings to the far right are the last ones to be built. There are more houses behind the ones you see here. I have a flickr set with more photos in case you are interested.


  1. Precioso reflejo en el charco de lluvia...un saludo desde Murcia...

  2. These are great Steffe. I enjoyed your Flickr set.

  3. That looks like quite a massive undertaking.

  4. Nice photos Steffe! I wouldn't like to live there though. Looks like Moscow :-)
    Kjell Berqvist, Boden in Sweden

  5. This looks very European to me. It's a look you wouldn't see often here. I think there is something like this in Seattle.

  6. I like the way you included the puddle reflection.

  7. It was the puddle reflection I noticed first! I was chatting with a couple of photographers, and while they were talking about making Tiny Planets photos, I shot the panorama.
