Saturday, October 11, 2014

And the winner is...

... IFK Lidingö SOK. They won the big orienteering event at Rudan today and are now the best team in the world. Around 9 000 athletes took part in the event called 25manna (relay and middle distance). It is one of the biggest relays in the world. The teams consists of 25 mixed runners. Young and old, men and women. Elite and beginner. The youngest will run a three km race, the older a nine km course through the forest in the nature reserve. Some more facts in English here:


  1. These are fantastic photos. I cover a lot of sport, but never running.

  2. An impressive event, looks a perfect time of year to run. Hope there is not a repeat of the 2013 computer glitch.

  3. Looks like you really caught the essence of this event. I would have loved to have run a 9K through the woods.
