Sunday, August 24, 2014

The first annual Kulturparksfestival

Dans i folkparken

In an effort to save the old Folkpark in Handen, a few local organisations, Levande Zon, RoJteatern,Handens museum and ABF Södertörn decided to set up a cultural festival with rock music, dance music, theatre and more at a fe different scenes on Saturday evening. It only took a few weeks, and yesterday saw the first (annual?), Kulturparksfestival. I was there for a couple of hours and here is a slideshow with 24 photos. Photos of the bands Ban Bianca and Smash playing at Gula Villan. A street performer known as Mr. Pink. And An American singer&songwriter called Esther Rose Parkes performing at the Handen Museum. Dance music from Doktor Krall next to the RoJ Theatre. Oh, and you could also try the legendary Ultra buns baked by local legend Tompa Eken. The weather wasn't the best with grey skies and some rain but it was still a good start!


  1. Wonderful photo! Great expanse.

  2. If it does help keep the park as is, so much the better.

  3. It looks very cool, while we are having our hottest weather of the summer, 37-38. Maybe more publicity for the event next year?

  4. Looks like a good time was had by all. You captured the spirit of it well!

  5. First? Well, let's start a tradition. Food, music, drink... happy times.
