Monday, July 07, 2014

The Colors of Nature

The Colors of Sweden Bluebells Ox-Eye Daisy
We interrupt the portrait sessions with colors of nature from around Haninge. I took the first photo by the side of the bike path at the Jordbro Industrial Park. On all fours for a minute or two. The butterfly is called Ängsblåvinge (Mazarine Blue), and the plant Gul Fetknopp, which is a funny name as that means Yellow Fat-Ass. Second macro photo, also shot with the Tamron zoom lens, using the macro feature, shows a Bellflower, also found along a bike path in Jordbro. The third and last photo is all thanks to the farmer Janne, at the Nödesta farm, as he has been nice enough to leave this part of the field blooming with the Ox-Eye Daisy, or Prästkrage as we like to call them. Shot with the new pancake lens.


  1. Tre riktiga fullträffar och definitivt my cup of tea! Blåvingen är utsökt! Sommarens skönhet förpackad i rektangulärt format. :-)

  2. What wonderful photos! Now see, for me, that would have been three days of blogging !

  3. Simply superb photos of nature's beauty! Thanks for the smile!

  4. Gorgeous, particularly that butterfly.

  5. Terrific macro work, very sharp with perfect DOF. The first one is a real winner.

  6. Three spectacular photographs. Well done.

    Now, get out there and take more photos of beautiful women.

  7. Too gorgeous Steffe, love the pancake lens.

  8. Gorgeous summer triptych!
