Saturday, July 05, 2014

A Girl From Siberia

A Siberian Girl The Globetrotter
Met a girl from Siberia yesterday. Luba moved to Sweden one year ago. She's an expert in international affairs and a real globetrotter. Recent trips include visits to Sicily, Norway, Spain, Denmark, USA and The Czech Republic. Her next trip will take her to the Netherlands where she plans to visit Amsterdam, The Haag and Rotterdam. One of her hobbies include photography but she hasn't had much time for that lately because of her study of the Swedish language. Top photo is a Brenizer method photo. Shot the second photo in the shade just to theright of the path. Funny how very different the two portraits turned out. Oh, and this is the second time I have met and photographed a girl from Siberia. Three years ago it was Azalia.


  1. She looks like two different people.

  2. Just proves again, you can't judge an entire population based on only a few samples ! (I'm a real devotee of statistics.) This one is a really nice portrait. Oh to be young and globetrotting ! Not to mention learning languages before you get to my age.

  3. Luba is a very interesting girl and she looks quite different in your two portraits. By the way, I like her better in you second shot.

  4. Let me get this right. You're SINGLE, right? My wife would shatter my camera, if I tracked down so many of your 'friends'. BUT I do sooooo enjoy visiting you each day.

  5. I have never been to Siberia, and I am sure it has many fine attributes and lovely places, but from its reputation and weather, I suppose being from Siberia could give one an incentive to travel.

  6. One of the artists I photographed last week was Russian but I'd don't know what part. She had a darker complexion so probably the south. Really like the first photo. As pale as the tundra.
