Monday, June 02, 2014

Showing a bit of leg

Moa Showing a bit of leg
Moa is a secondary school student that would like to work in the fashion industry in the future. I noticed her long black slit dress and figured I needed to take her portrait. Top portrait shot with the 85mm lens, second photo with the 18-55 standard lens.


  1. Steffe, I would be jailed if I looked at the leg of a girl as young as she!

  2. Another one of your very good portraits. You know, there are countries where publishing photos of secondary school students, especially looking like this, might get you in some trouble. Sweden must be more relaxed.

  3. You really get the entire fashion range. Good work !

  4. En intressant klädsel som inte vem som helst kan uppbära med hedern i behåll. Det gör tjejen på bilderna med den äran.

    Det första porträttet visar hur vass 85 mm-optiken är när det kommer till porträtt med kort skärpedjup och bra färgåtergivning. Bra jobbat!

  5. A great portrait of a very pretty young lady, I can see a future for her in fashion...

  6. She would be lovely even without the split in her dress Steffe :)
