Friday, May 23, 2014

The Red Amazon

The Red Amazon
You know that it is Summer when Gerry takes out his convertible for a spin. The Volvo Amazon that he has rebuilt himself turned fifty years old recently. When we met this time Gerry was getting ready to drive it to the vehicle inspection.This is a Brenizer method photo. Umpteen photos shot with the 85mm lens at f/1.8. I aimed at the right head light turned off auto focus and started shooting.


  1. A classy car and a classy photograph.

  2. Great car. I'm toying with buying that lens. Great for portraits. But i sometimes find it a little heavy in weight

  3. Nicely done! I think I remember this vehicle, but there were not a lot of them in this country. I owned a '58 and a '60 Volvo (the ones that looked like a '46 Ford) but both of them overheated constantly so I gave up on the brand.

  4. Amazing Amazon, great photography! I still owe you for introducing me to this method...

  5. Perfect in red, a classic.
