Thursday, May 29, 2014


Cool teenage girl of the day. Saga was out with her electric powerboard when I spotted her on a bench at Eskilsparken in Handen. The powerboard can go as fast at 30km/h. It is very heavy, probably weighs around 20 kilo. Saga lives in an apartment building, so she has to carry it up and down the stairs every day. She is a 7th grader and when she's not out with the skateboard she is busy being a scout.


  1. You certainly have a knack for photographing people.

  2. 30kms on a skateboard.. oh I don't think so Steffe .. will leave that to Sage :)

  3. Good portrait! I find myself wondering if that's a common name there, or that her parents picked an unusual English word in place.

  4. It's a very old Nordic name. It means she who sees. It comes from Æsir in the Norse mythology.

    A the moment there are 12459 women called Saga in Sweden.

  5. The board looks cool.
    Great girl and picture.

    Tnx for your visit and comment:-)

  6. Love that thing, but 20 Kg up the stairs every day it's a bit too much. Obviously she is young and probably can do it quite easily...

  7. I saw one of these boards recently but the guy didn't have any handheld controls (that I could see). It appeared he controlled just with his body position on the board. Either way, it looks like a lot of fun.
