Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Wedding Singer

A Beautiful Spring Day Kajsa Orange is the new Black
From the bike I spotted a girl wearing orange shades, black shoes, orange tights and a black skirt so obviously I had to stop and ask her if I could grab a portrait or two. This is Kajsa. She is studying Russian at the Stockholm University and lives in a student apartment in Handen. She loves singing, and is a member of a choir that often performs in churches. She sings at weddings and baptisms. She has never been to Russia, but has visited the Ukraine.


  1. Now why did I think of Aimee when I saw those stockings and boots :)

  2. Splendid portraits, Stefan. You bring out her personality very well.

  3. She has a great color sense. Good capture.

  4. haha. orange is only worn once a year by dutch. oh, and if theres some soccer tournament or whatever..

  5. (btw, yes, i just started this trilogy from murakami. i read many of his books already, but it has been a while...)
