Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Harley Guys

The Harley Guys ASPES Fat Boy
We had the warmest day of the year so far today. I'm guessing around 15C. This is Linkan, (whom you have met here before), and his neighbour and friend Martin (Yellow Fat Boy). They took advantage of the great weather and took out their Harley's for a ride.


  1. Fina motorcyklar! Väldigt mycket vårtecken när inte bara brukshojarna utan även glidarbågarna dyker upp på vägarna. :-)

  2. Beautiful rides. I had a Harley for a number of years. I miss getting out on the road with it.

  3. They are out here this weekend too! But it is only 10˚C so a bit cool for it.

  4. I continue to be astonished at the international popularity of Harleys. There are lots of them here. It must be that full-throated rumble.

  5. Harley Sweden is the biggest independent Harley community in the world with 8000 members.
