Friday, April 25, 2014

That Old Tree

That Old Tree Välstapanorama
One or two Summer-like evenings so far this year. This was one of them, a couple of days ago. The old tree and my shadow during the sunset. I forgot about the panorama, but have now added it to the post. Larger version here.


  1. Ett riktigt mysigt kvällsljus i denna bild på det kära gamla trädet. Lite kul bonus med din skugga som faller in i nedre kanten av bilden. :-)

  2. The tree looks quite tranquil in that late day light.

  3. That's a new look for her, Steffe!

  4. Before I read your description, I was trying to decide if that was your shadow. But it looks to be going in a different direction from all the other shadows ! I always suspected you were a non-conformist. Anyway, as usual, it's a beautiful shot in a perfect light.

  5. Tog bilden med 85mm-objektivet, så det är ett gäng foton ihopsatta.

    The sun was setting behind me Stuart, a little to the right. I did shoot a 360 panorama from the field, I will stitch that one together now, and if it is any good I will add it to this post.

  6. The panorama is amazing. Amazing soft light in both shots. Love your tree!

  7. It looks great at this time of day.

  8. Oh I bet the old tree is happy to have some warm rays on it's branches Steffe.
