Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Don't look at the ugly wooden bridge...

Don't look at the ugly wooden bridge... Hillside with inscription ...look at the hillside behind it. If you do you will notice a runic inscription that dates back to the Viking Age. It was discovered by Harry Runqvist back in 1964. It has been named Runmarsvreten. The inscription was probably carved by the runemaster Halvdan 1000 years ago. It reads ku...--- I...kuna + l(?)u + hakua + stain + þina + auk + buru + þ...-a + ib(?)............... sina. I don't think you can understand the runic alphabet so translated to English it says, Gunne had the stone made, and also the bridge. That bridge is long gone and the ugly bridge you see here is brand new! You can find the hillside along Dalarövägen in Handen.


  1. Naturligtvis förtjänar den gamla runskriften en bro med lite mer ansträngning investerad i konstruktionen. Bron gör säkert vad den ska men inte mer...

  2. How nice that an inscription that old is still so readable! There are some very old Native American petroglyphs in the U.S. but the ones I've seen had no language. This one is wonderful.

  3. I'm always worried that these amazing artifacts are exposed to danger, i.e., the public. It's fascinating to think about how long it's been there.

  4. Really interesting post. Greetings from Spain.

  5. Fascinating Steffe.. the Rune, not the bridge :)
