Sunday, February 02, 2014

Toys 4 Big Boys

Can-Am Outlander
There are many 4-wheelers on the roads these days. And also off-road of course, although that is illegal in most places in Sweden. But you can drive off-road if there's a layer of snow protecting the land. I spotted these guys at the Tungelsta school a while back.


  1. I imagine big boys would soon become like little boys having fun on these Steffe :)

  2. I'm getting one soon. Gotta play!

  3. That's interesting that they're not normally allowed off-road.

  4. Are they used to and from school?

    I can understand that it is popular to use.

  5. Our daughter and son-in-law ride these things in the Colorado mountains. It's a great way to get around. In The Villages, everybody rides around in golf carts. Not so noisy!

  6. We have them here, too, though mostly those are only seen outside winter.

  7. I hate the noisy things, but I would be curious to see them on the snow...

  8. Recent stories in the local paper. Idiot on a 4-wheeler destroying a popular ski track. Wherever these things go they destroy the land.
