Saturday, December 14, 2013

Weather Update

Weather Update
Grey skies. Rain. Cold. The little snow we got a while back is long gone. This was the scene at the commuter station in Tungelsta earlier today.


  1. It doesn't look very appealing. It is snowing hard up north, but it is wonderful here in Naples.

  2. Very creative picture! It's been really cold here and I don't care for it.

  3. Look's like you have copied the Wermland weather...

  4. Vattendropparna på spegeln säger en hel del om vädret just nu. Jag blir dessutom lite avundsjuk på "din" trafikspegel eftersom den är så mycket snyggare inramad än den jag har att förfoga över här i Stigtomta. ;-)

  5. Same weather today. I will have to force myself to go outdoors.

    Thanks Luis!
    That it would Dave.
    I have a thing for this mirror Linda, and have taken a few snaps of it over the years.

    Du får lämna in en protest till de styrande och hänvisa till Tungelstaspegeln Lasse, det borde funka!

  6. It's getting colder here too. Like the shot.
