Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Grey Day At Little Lake

A Grey Day At Little Lake
A grey December day at little lake in Jordbro. Compared to a Calm Day in August. Looks like we will have a grey Christmas this year. No snow in sight.


  1. Looks very nice. Beautiful reflections Steffe.

  2. Augustibilden såg på något sätt mer inbjudande ut. Hade det varit en "riktig" vinter nu hade det säkert varit en konkurrent till sommar-myset men som vädret är nu gör sig nästan ingenting bra. Grått, trist och allmänt ledsamt ute i omgivningarna just nu. Enda fördelen är att vissa fågelarter låtit bli att flykta söderut och istället håller oss sällskap vid fågelborden.

  3. Quite a difference in the mood of the pictures but still you were able to capture the reflections in the water in both.

  4. I certainly favor the summer scene. I am no fan of cold, gray weather.

  5. That has to be freakish in Sweden. The long range forecast here for January is warmer than normal. We're thinking about buying land in Alberta.

  6. You could turn this photo 180 degrees and no one would notice. Nice shot! I am shocked that you have no snow.

  7. It may be greay but it's beautiful anyway. Great shot! Feliz Natal/God Jul, Stefan.

  8. ... but at least the reflections were working.
