Saturday, November 30, 2013

That Old Tree

That Old Tree
The last day of November started a bit chilly. -6C when I woke up. A few hours later heading to the old tree the outdoor thermometer showed 0C.


  1. Looks and sounds just like here today - without the great tree of course. ;-)

  2. It is dramatic, inviting the snow.

    It's much colder there than the area I'm visiting on the Kansas prairie.

  3. "A bit chilly". That temperature would be regarded as an Arctic blast by the people of France ! Love your old tree series. Keep them coming.

  4. It sure looks bleak Steffe.. I can only imagine what it must be like to wake up to those temperatures!
    Btw I will let you know what I think of Julmust, will be heading to IKEA this week :)

  5. A bit nicer at the moment. A blue sky and around 5C.

    Good news Grace. It can be tricky to appreciate Julmust, I only ever drink it at the Christmas table.
