Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Moomin House

Moomin House
A copy of the Moomin House. Used as a playhouse by three girls at the Nödesta farm. One of which is today a student at the Paris Sorbonne University. Another is an elite swimmer and the third is currently working at a big farm in Sweden. You can see one of the girls in a post from 2007. I visited the farm today and got a guided tour by the farmer Jan Claesson.


  1. Ingen dålig lekstuga! Kul att få lite sidofakta runt barnen som en gång lekt där. :-)

  2. This proves what a good imagination can do for you for a lifetime. I did not know about the Moomins until now, so thanks for this post. And a nice photo too !

  3. The three daughters are very accomplished.

  4. I love it - completely original. Something like this could be on a poor rural homestead in our Appalachian region.

  5. je ne connaissais pas les "Moomin House", mais j'aime bien cette vieille maison tout en bois
