Wednesday, November 20, 2013

In the forest

In the forest
Took a walk in the forest at the Bronze Age burial ground yesterday. A few people have seen a Shaman here so whenever I'm in the area I keep my eyes open for him or her, but all I could see in the forest on this visit were trees.


  1. Nice lines and colors and textures !

  2. The woods are lovely. Can you explain the Shaman - is this a local native person?

    ~ Ali at <a href=">Scituate Daily Photo</a>

  3. These trees are satisfying enough but keep your eyes open. You might make a discovery.

    J.M. told me about the outcome of the football match in Stockholm.

  4. Ha ha ha, Stefan! Wasn't sure if you were serious or not wit the shaman!

  5. I like all the gnarly green bark...shame about the shaman :)))

  6. j'adore cette photo!
    Very nice post!
    Thanks & Welcome for your comment and your next visit to my blogs.
    Have a nice day! Cath.
