Sunday, October 06, 2013

Farm Life

The Stable The Farm
The farm at the old village in the Tyresta National Park on a beautiful Autumn day earlier in the week. If you have good memory you might that I took a Winter panorama here back in March.


  1. Oh wow, that panoramic photo is just superb!

  2. Vilken härlig höstbild! Och en äkta svensk bondgård. Bra!

  3. This would be a good spot for a four-season series. You have two already.

  4. Looking at this beautiful and peaceful scene, you might not think of how much work goes into running a farm like this. Always something to do on a farm or ranch.

  5. These photos sure paint a beautiful scene for those of us who are not familiar with Sweden.

  6. Your photos are as fantastic now as I remember them, Steffe! Skit bra! Det har varit ju för länge sedan!
    Hejsan från EAGAN daily photo

    Hadde besök från Oslo i veckan under 5 dagar

  7. Farms reflect the character of their location. This is so different from the farmland I know best, where my wife grew up in Kansas.

  8. Looking forward to seeing this scene in spring Steffe.. Winter was fabulous!

  9. I would like to get a panorama like that, but I keep trying and I am seeing some improvement...
