Monday, October 14, 2013


Cecilia Garn
When I took this portrait of Cecilia at the Viking Festival at the Handen Museum on Saturday I got a girl with a pearl earring feeling. Cecilia was selling colorful yarn at the market.


  1. Yes, I can see why you thought Girl with a Pearl Earring. Cecilia has a beautiful and gentle look.

  2. When I saw the thumbnail, the first thing I thought was Vermeer...

  3. Wonderful portrait! I love her outfit.

  4. Yes when there is no makeup you get quickly the feeling of older portraits. Still the lighting and expression must also be good. One fellow countrywoman of you is a real artist in this kind of portraits. Julia Hetta even without using clothing from older times. But you are succeeded here. Nice portrait.

  5. She has a renaissance look about her Steffe, lovely!
    P.s. I thought your preference was for redheads :))

  6. Greg Fallis put the portrait on the Utata front page. He is a published author so he wrote a short story with the photo. You can see it here.
