Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Stepping back in time

Stepping back in time
I showed you an old cottage from 1850 on the most recent theme day. Since then I have visited Djurgårdsgrind for a look inside. The property was on the market until just a few days ago so I guess it has been sold now. This collage shows the interior of the bigger house that dates back to 1910. Sadly the little cottage from the theme day can't be saved. I did go in for a peak,and it was a sad sight, the second story floor have collapsed and you had to be careful where you stepped.


  1. Seeing images of what remains of other people's live puts one in a reflective mood, doesn't it? I am glad you captured the scenes, so they will endure beyond the physical existence.

  2. Sorry, I meant to write other people's l i v e s .

  3. A quite unusual and very interesting reportage on this almost historical cottage. It is sad about the other...

  4. I remember the cottage you posted on theme day. No shots of interior decay? :-)

  5. I think I have one or two interior from the little cottage. I will let you know if and when I upload them somewhere.

  6. I love looking back like this!
