Monday, April 22, 2013

The Football Fan

The Football Fan
Micke was on his way to the commuter station when I stopped him. He recently moved to Handen from Rågsved. He is a big fan of the football club AIK, although he doesn't see all matches live these days. I figured him for a fan of Italian soccer because of his jacket, but that was just a logo


  1. Jag gillar det här porträttet även om han gömmer sig bakom ett par solglajjor. Eller kanske just därför. Attityd finns det i stora portioner, och det är det som gör bilden för mig!

  2. Hi Stefan, your street portraits are unique!
    I've seen many Football Fans with an Italian logo, but never a Football Fan with a Rosary...

  3. It's almost a double portrait: there you are in his mirrored sunglasses!

  4. And you could have seen more of him. I tried shooting a Brenizer portrait, but forgot to turn off the auto focus, so I couldn't stitch the photos together.

    Beroende på typ av solglasögon brukar jag be folk jag fotar att ta av dom, men jag tyckte att det hörde till Mickes stil.

  5. cool, so great to see people....!
