Saturday, December 15, 2012

Where did I park my car?

Where Did I Park My Car?
That was probably the question asked by the owner of this car.


  1. After he finds the answer to where his car is, the next questions will be, "How and when can I get my car out of here?"

  2. Aw crap! That's what I would say and then go back inside and have some coffee!

    The last time I remember a scene like that was in the mid-60s in Chicago - our kids slid off the snow on top of the cars!

  3. Good question with so much snow...

  4. I agree with Lowell. I think I'd declare a "snow day" and go inside for another cup of coffee. That doesn't look like a welcome sight.

  5. A car with aspirations to being an igloo, I would say.

  6. That is a lot of snow, at least for us!

  7. Thats a crazy amount of snow. Like Kate, Minnesota is the place where I have a friend that gets that much.

  8. Oh no, I like the romantic vie of snow, this just doesn't look like fun at all!!
