Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Winter Count

Winter Count 2012
My Winter count for 2012. One photo for every month of the year. I did shoot many street portraits while meeting many interesting people this year. The ones that you see here are Rontti. Kim. Isabella. Emelie. Mick. Baby Diaper. Erika. Sandra. Jonas and Kajsa. As per usual I also visited the old tree a couple of times. And then in November came the early winter. I wonder what 2013 will bring? Happy New Year everyone.


  1. beau montage 2012.
    Je te souhaite une bonne et beureuse annee 2013

  2. You made a nice selection of photo's for this post. Happy New Year!

  3. Great portraits Steffe. Have a wonderful 2013!

  4. Happy New Year to you too Stephan. Thanks for your helpful comments and keep producing your great photographs!!!! Super collection for today, as ever.

  5. Oh gosh....I hate 2012 - spent half of my time correcting typos. Of course, I mean 'Stefan'. :).
