Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Viking Warriors

A Viking Warrior Viking Warriors
Jonas is a Viking Fighter. He sometimes travels around, visiting Viking festivals in Europe. I met him at the annual Viking market I brytningstid at the museum in Handen on Saturday. Originally from Dalarna Jonas now lives at Adelsö in Stockholm. He is a member of Alsnu Hind, a group dedicated to the art of Viking Fighting. They meet twice a week in Stockholm. In the triptych you can see him winning a fight against another tough Viking. At the moment they are building a Viking Era farm at Adelsö. More facts in Swedish at their web site: www.alsnu.se/


  1. Looks scary! Interesting that Vikings are still traveling the world to wreak their havoc! :-)

  2. This shows why there is an American football team in Minnesota named the Vikings.

  3. Häftigt att ha kniven på ryggen på det där viset.

  4. Intense portrait Steffens, excellent..but Viking battle training twice a week, I guess it's the same as playing squash or something!!

  5. Everybody has to have a hobby. Wreaking havoc is as good as any! :D

  6. As Paul said interesting pastime. One thing I have never seen here in Leeds vikings fighting or otherwise.
