Sunday, April 22, 2012

A slighly new view

Gustafsson's Place

Future Building Site

I took a very short walk today. The weather is still horrible and I'm still under it. This yellow house along Södertäljevägen belongs to Leif Gustafsson. This part of Tungelsta has undergone a lot of changes in the last few years. New roads and houses have popped up here and there, and there's more to come. On the panorama photo you can see that the greenhouses on the neighbouring property Rosehhill, now are history. The big sign explains that in a near future seven new homes will be built here. I showed you the greenhouses in a winter photo one year ago.


  1. I like the style of the yellow house; very different to houses here.

  2. I like the atmosphere of this picture!

  3. A gray day in Sweden. Surely there must be some flowers around by now.

  4. The yellow house certainly brightens things up..You know Steffe, everytime I read your blog and see the names of places it makes me think of Stieg Larsson's trilogy the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo etc. Oh how I enjoyed those books!!
