Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Autumn Vs. Spring

Autumn Vs. Spring

Time for another different seasons diptych. This is the Dahlgrengårdens farm house at the Tyresta village in the national park. I shot the autumn photo in October of 2010. The somewhat duller early spring side of the diptych is from my visit last week. The farm house is old. It was moved to this location back in 1750. Before that it was up on a hill a few hundred meters from here. No one lives in this house today and it is part of the national park and anyone can go in for a look around. A few winters ago I did just that when they had a Christmas market here.


  1. It's lovely - do you know why they moved it?

  2. You are a master of this - love it!

  3. I love this too. I could never figure it out! :)

  4. It is always a pleasure to watxh these diptychs.

  5. Nice work Steffe, too complicated for me so I'll take pleasure from yours.

  6. A wonderful comparison of the seasons, Steffe!

    Did you see the BABE on my blog yesterday (Tuesday)?!
