Tuesday, March 06, 2012

That Old Tree

That Old Tree

One week ago we suddenly had a spring day with 12C. That was nice. Since then it's been a bit colder. I shot this photo of the old tree yesterday and the temperature was maybe 1C . All the snow is gone from this area, but the broken tree branch is still there. I think I have seen this horseback rider here before.


  1. It was -13˚C here today and will be +14˚C on Wednesday - weird of what. The tree looks healthy but needs that branch tended to.

  2. C'mon, Steffe! Get a chain saw and pay that old tree a visit. The bad limb needs to go.

  3. Great shot! Jack's comment just made me laugh!

  4. Lovely tranquil rural scene Steffe. Spring is well on the way here in north west England now.

  5. After seeing the snow photos, it's had to believe all that snow is all gone.

  6. Sad about the tree broken. I hope someone fixes it.

  7. It's only 25 degrees F here in Virginia this morning. This photo captures the cold. And the horse rider really adds a lot to it.

  8. I think I've seen him before too Steffe!! and also ..what Jack said haha!

  9. I'm your 300th follower! Had missed seeing your blog with so many wonderful photos!
    Love the composition of this shot.

  10. There is something a little sinister about this photo, I feel, as if it is the start of a film about some mysterious event!

  11. Really nice!
    Perfect timing with the horse and rider
    That added the little extra.

    Jack´s comment might be a good idea.
    Here we can`t really go out and do anything with trees owned by someone else or the council.

    Have a nice day!
