Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Another sign of spring

Small Tortoiseshell

We had a fine spring day yesterday. Around 13C. With a lot of sunshine. I have now chased down my first butterfly of the year. A Small Tortoiseshell.


  1. A Norway I didn't see! I have updated today's post since you visited, see how cold it was with the addition.

  2. A lovely looking flutterby, Steffe. I have a large B & W one who susses out my garden but only lands rarely. He is looking for a place to plant his seeds, and I would prefer them NOT to be in my garden. The photograph is secondary to that.

  3. The first butterfly is a such a happy sight. I hope there are things blooming so it will have something to eat.

  4. Wonderfully shown Steffe, it's a beauty

  5. Well, I spotted the first crocus on the lawn at home last week. This morning I counted 19.

  6. Next Monday is supposed to be the first day of spring. It's not a moment too soon, in my opinion, and I hope that we will soon be seeing butterflies and crocuses.

  7. Is this butterfly going to get caught out with a late cold blast or is winter over for you now? great pic Steffe...I never do very well with butterfly pics as they just don't stop still long enough!

  8. It's a beauty! As Sharon & Grace said.

  9. You are really excited for Spring to come aren't you? You've chased for signs everywhere. This butterfly is beautiful!

  10. That could happen Al.It's early days still. It was a cold morning today. And it's only 3C as I'm typing this.

  11. Amazing colours, great shot!

  12. Nice. No butterflies here yet.
