Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Icy and Slippery

The Joy of Winter

The Bike Path

This was how most of the walkways looked in Handen yesterday. Very icy. Not really a good day for cyclists like me. Or pedestrians. Or anyone really. I'm guessing it was a busy day at all the emergency rooms around Stockholm. I had to jump off the bike a few times as I didn't want to risk anything and I am happy to report that I made it home without any injuries.


  1. Great concept but you had to lie down in the slush to take this, didn't you?

  2. I broke my wrist several years ago on a day just like that and you are right - the emergency wards were packed!

  3. The low perspective and narrow depth of field really work here.

  4. That looks treacherous Steffe, watch your step!!

  5. What do swedes wear on their feet in conditions like this? Only, our winters here have become far more extreme lately (but far shorter)and our road was like this for a week or two until a week ago. I tried to walk and got nowhere, I had to go back home, and I was wearing walking boots with a good tread. Do you wear spikes? Not good for cycling in!

  6. Personally I think the best idea is to stay home...it looks lethal! Pleased you stayed safe.

  7. No spikes for me, but in the last few winters many people have started using ice cleats that only old people used to wear before.

    That would have been a fun photo Bob. Squatting is probably a good word to describe my method here.

  8. I seems like you are lucky. It looks icy to me too.

  9. We had a lite version of this and it was a tragedy: we were absolutely unprepared and unable to walk around for days...

  10. Smart move on your part. That ice looks treacherous.

  11. I like the low to the ground perspective. I'm not sure I'd like the kneel or it down on that cold ice.

  12. totally remember what that feels like...

  13. Snow is beautiful but ..... When it melts and cars running on it !!!!

  14. yuk
    here its boring. rain. some snow. more rain

  15. All gone now I am happy to report. We had 12 C yesterday and even warmer elsewhere. In fact it was record warm at many places. Sadly it was back to normal today with maybe 5C.
