Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Truck with a Difference


Back in the 1940s it was obviously difficult to get parts to your farm vehicle and that's when the EPA-tractor was invented. Here is what Wikipedia has to say:

An EPA tractor was simply an automobile, truck or lorry, with the passenger space cut off behind the front seats, equipped with two gearboxes in a row. When done to an older car with a ladder frame, the result was not dissimilar to a tractor and could be used as one.

After the war many teenagers in Sweden used a loophole in the law which made it legal for a sixteen year old kid to drive an EPA-tractor on the roads without a license. Normally you would have to be eighteen to get a driver's license. Then in 1975 the A Tractor was introduced with a number of new rules regarding the engine. The most important one being the top speed of 30 km/h! The name EPA comes from a chain of stores that sold cheap products of poor quality. The name stuck, and even today the EPA-tractor is a popular vehicle among sixteen year olds. This red Volvo with a missing headlight lives at the Mulsta farm in Tungelsta. To see a few more EPA-tractors read this informative article in English.


  1. I have once again learned something from my favorite daily photo blogs.

  2. vancouverstreetblog.blogspot.comThursday, January 26, 2012

    A great snow shot and an interesting story!

  3. That's something new.
    Cool car shot.

  4. Ferrari might have a word to say on copyright.

  5. Nice photo, and a most interesting commentary. Here EPA refers to the Environmental Protection Agency.

  6. That is pretty interesting, Steffe. I don't think we have similar vehicles over here.

  7. It's so cute! Nice cover of white too.
    Teens are very innovative in things THEY want to do. Speaking from current experience, not so innovative in getting chores and homework done.

  8. I have never seen anything like this. At first sight I took the yellow crest for the Ferrari's one.
