Sunday, January 01, 2012

I'm too sexy for my shirt...

photo of the tower


  1. Dette er hva jeg forbinder med deg, Steffe!
    Du er min foto helt/hero når det gjelder portrett.
    Du er suveren!
    Jeg gleder meg allerede nå til 2012 portrettene!

  2. Great presentation and i did the 110 - very rewarding. I like to get to see the people of your city

  3. Fantastic faces from Haninge . . . inspiring. I hope you are able to capture many more new faces in 2012.

  4. You most certainly corned the blog-market in portraiture, Steffe. Excellent work, even though there was a high proportion of tatts in there, too.

    All the best for 2012, my friend. May you have good health, good companionship, and many many laughs along the way.

  5. Thank you for this menagerie of bikers, hikers, and assorted persons of the year 2011. I wish you a 2012 filled with interesting persons for your next collection.

  6. Nice and interesting portraits:) Gott nytt år!

  7. I love to read how many fascinating people you met by taking their photographs. YOu take such good portraits, whether they be full length shots or close-ups. Great job! Happy New Year, dear Steffe. Jilly xxx

  8. I love the collage, it´s a great choice to this theme day. Happy New Year!

  9. Excellent Steffe, you sure have met a lot of very individual people this year and shown them perfectly. Well done indeed.

  10. Jag har följt din blogg några år och är väldigt imponerad över dina porträttbilder! Ser fram emot 2012! Gott nytt år!

  11. I think you should aim for a PB in 2012 and try and do 140 portraits. You live in a very interesting city more please!!

  12. beautifully done, steffe. wishes come to you from vermont for a fabulous 2012.

  13. wow! 110 is a lot!
    well i like to look at all of them...
    happy new year!

  14. The best! Slideshow is great.

  15. You are indeed the master of the portrait. Excellent work.

  16. Love those portraits, seems like there could be a bit of an addiction here..... just as well it can't be treated

  17. Steffe - you are the master of portraits! I like your portrait collage for today's theme day! I did more portraits in 2011 than in 2010 and I think I may do even more portraits in 2012...

  18. amazing portraits...wish i could be so bold! happy new year!!

  19. I stand in awe of what you do. Happy New Year Steffe.

  20. i love portraits , clever idea ! Happy new year 2012 !

  21. Thanks all. I have shot my first street portrait of the year now. Will post it tomorrow, hope you all like it.
