Monday, December 19, 2011

A Sudden Change in the Weather

A Sudden Change in the Weather

It has snowed a few times in the last couple of days. At the moment a very thin layer of the white stuff is covering the ground. This is a cottage at the Hammar Estate.


  1. So, you were able to get out and about for a bit. What a wonderful photo! Thank you.

  2. Looking more like winter every day.

  3. Now that's more like it Steffe, Winter has arrived at last!

  4. I have to say, I hope it stays over there. It's chaos here in the UK when it snows.

  5. It is pretty seeing snow in Sweden, where you are accustomed to dealing with it. But, as you said, this is little more than a dusting. More to come!

  6. That's good, snow. That means it can warm up here!

  7. It is really interesting to drink warm and hot soup during such weather. Only fireplace comes to my mind when i saw snow .

  8. we'd love a little of that stuff too. some how it never seems quite right up here in new england to have a brown holiday.

  9. Beautiful and such a contrast to our fabulous weather here in perth Steffe.

  10. It's all gone now. We had around 5C today which is a bit too warm for the snow.
