Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The WoW Girl

Dressed For School

I don't shoot that many street portraits this time of the year, but here is one from yesterday. I noticed the well-dressed Ellinor in Västerhaninge when she was crossing the street. She was listening to music, but I did get her attention after a while. Ellinor comes from Skogås, (which is only a few stops away on the commuter that I showed you yesterday). She was on her way to the Berga Agricultural College, where she is a third-year student. I usually visit Berga on their open-house weekend in the summer, so if you want see photos from there press here. After she graduates next summer Ellinor will start all over again as she has changed her mind about the future. Three years ago she figured that she wanted to work with something horse related, but now she has her eyes set on a future as a journalist. One of her hobbies include online role-playing, and then especially World of Warcraft, hence the title that one of my flickr contacts gave me the idea to.


  1. un beau portrait, elle est tres mignonne

  2. A very nice image and word portrait, Steffe.

  3. She knows how to pose, too. Who would have thought, back in 1955 when I was in the U.S. Navy, that my peacoat would become a fashion statement? Yikes!

  4. She Did a reaLly niCe joB oF Posing foR you, StefFe!

  5. Gorgeous looking young woman Steffe and clever too by the sound of it, which goes to show there is no basis for the theory that all blondes are ..y'know!!
    Gosh I was certainly way off in my guess as to what the construction work was going to be, that didn't take long to complete!!

  6. Oh, I thought the Wow was for wow!

  7. Meanwhile in other news from Haninge Steffe spots another pretty girl.

  8. It's a tough gig Paul, but someone has to do it.

  9. excellent photography! I've found lots of nice work on your blog. thanks a lot for sharing with us.

  10. WOW she is indeed! You should dedicate a full photoshoot to her.
    Great girls in Haninge!
    I should come over once...

  11. Quite a beautiful young lady.

  12. I would guess she should get whatever she wanted.

  13. hahaha. it took me a while, but i think her hat has some pom-pon on top? or is it her hair?

  14. na, i hope its a pom-pon. if it is her hair, she would look silly.. ;)

  15. Hej Steffe!

    Gillar att du tillsammans med porträtten lägger ut en liten text om de du tar porträtt på.


  16. Tack Lisa. Det är tack vare att jag gick med i flickrgruppen 100 Strangers Project för några år sedan. En social utmaning där tanken är att ta etthundra porträtt på främlingar och samtidigt ställa ett par frågor för att få en uppfattning om vilka de är.

  17. Great! amazing photography!Nice work.
