Monday, November 14, 2011

An apple a day...

The Apple Thief

I need to buy a larger camera bag so that I can bring the old canon with the zoom lens with me. This moose was thinking about eating a few apples at Fridhem when I spotted it yesterday.


  1. Looks like he had spotted you too. Looks big enough to put a ding in your bonnet.

  2. Looks like he was considering his second course while looking at you... Run for your life, Steffe! ;)

  3. It's a she, and she did have a long look at me. Probably glad that I didn't carry a rifle as it is hunting time...

  4. belle photo et prise photographique

  5. That's a wonderful shot! You might check on eBay, I bought one off eBay, a 'fanny pack' bag by Tamrac that holds my body with a lens, plus three more. I had a back pack, but it is too big to manage on a daily basis.

  6. Where and when does a moose eat apples? Anytime and any place he wants.

  7. Hi Steffe -
    not rusty at all! =)
    Thanks for your virtual visit to Topanga. Full disclosure: I have been a fan of yours for a long time.
    Cheers, and have a happy day -

  8. We occasionally see moose in northern New England, but not in southern New England, where I live. They are huge animals. I would keep a safe distance.

  9. oooh, i did not eat my apple yet... i eat one everyday usually.. :) but not directly from the tree

  10. You should give that a try CaT, way cheaper!

    They can get very angry, but it hasn't happened to me yet.

    I sometimes fill up a back back with cameras and lenses and I will probably try that again today.

  11. She sure is a beauty Steffe, well spotted. Like you and the moose I prefer my apple straight from the tree.

  12. Your timing was perfect, Steffe! Too bad you didn't have the ZOOM lens!
    God helg
