Monday, October 10, 2011

The Project Manager

The Project Manager

A couple of years ago I fell off my bike while out on the road. I landed in a ditch. I had totally run out of energy. I walked over to a restaurant and they filled up my water bottle, and after a minute or two I was back in the saddle again. Why am I telling you this? Because I was reminded about that incident when I saw Paula climbing a bridge on her bike on Saturday. She was very tired and going the wrong way so I turned around and guided her down to Lake Rudan where she was going to greet a few friends that where taking part in the Ultra Marathon race. I figured my good deed of the day would be worth a portrait and she was OK with that. Paula, who lives in Stockholm works as a project manager at SVT, the national broadcast company. Earlier this year she took part in her first Vätternrundan race and her next challenge is the 2012 Jubilee Stockholm Marathon. So despite being tired on this day, she really is a fit woman.


  1. Bless you for your good deed.

  2. I give you a GOLD sticker for that neat deed.

  3. I think Paula rewarded you with such a beautiful smile in this portrait Steffe. As for your last post, I think young girls drive just as fast these days if not faster than the boys! Also, I just saw your portrait of Caterina and have to say she does not look old enough to have fifteen year old daughters, either that or you caught her at just the right angle!! Nice work Steffe.

  4. Nice to see a project manager who gets outside and keeps fit- a lovely post as always Steffe!

  5. Sometimes one can get so tired without being aware of how much the body is stressed - until the body gives out. You did a good deed and were well-rewarded. She is a fine figure of an athlete!

  6. Nice portrait, she looks like being a really passionate biker!
    I like to bike as well...In Flanders it's part of our culture.

  7. thats nice of you!
    only when looking again at her portrait after her story i might see a little bit of tiredness... at least she can still smile! (i wouldnt... ;) )
