Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cool Ride of the Day

Cool Ride of the Day


Out on my photo walk with Jim the other day we spotted this cool ride. It's registered as an amateur built car, equipped with a Chevrolet engine. Heading home one hour later I noticed (and heard), the car driving towards me. Behind the wheel sat a middle aged man wearing a leather helmet, he looked pleased with himself. Vroom!


  1. la classe et la frime en même temps cette voiture, j'adore

  2. Extremely cool car, love the colour, somehow it doesn't seem to be the usual 'mid life crisis' kind of car, just a real vintage car enthusiast. Nice little self portrait reflection going on there Steffe.

  3. Way cool! Even middle-aged dudes can be hip.

  4. I would be pleased either...
