Saturday, August 20, 2011


Raggarbil of the Day

1959 Edsel Ranger

Dodge Dart

Ford Fairlane

It's hard to understand that we import 5000 vintage cars from the US every year. I see classic cars out on the roads every day during the summer. Here are four beauties. A 1959 Dodge Coronet. Owned by a raggare from Sorunda. He is a member of a local club and I have met a few other members at different events. The second car is a bit of a rarity, a 1959 Ford Edsel. No more info there, I noticed the car at a parking lot. The third photo shows a 1965 Dodge. The owner Jan Svensson, was waiting at the Vehicle inspection company so I walked over for a chat. The Dodge has only had three owners and is in mint condition. It was used as a executive car in the 1960s by a member of the National Board of Trade. Janne bought the car in 1982. Total mileage is only 75 000 kilometres. The last photo shows a 1956 Ford Fairlane shot at the same vehicle inspection site but on another day.


  1. Close to a dream.

    Please have a good weekend.

  2. The red Dodge at the top is really good. That would catch my attention. I had a 1956 Ford very close to the fourth picture. But, I am not nostalgic about it. It was a car I could afford. Period.

  3. Vroom! vroom! indeed Steffe, great looking vintage cars, I can only imagine the problems I'd have parking one of those haha!

  4. 5,000 classic cars a year? Why? They do have killer lines and colors.

  5. The gorgeous cars in your photos make me wish I had a drivers license.

  6. in LA i saw a phot exhibit where pics were taken from the such old cars. so, the interior of the car was used as a frame to show you what you could see through the front window, it was very cool. lets see if i can t find an example online...

  7. grr. nope, but the photographer is alex harris.
    here just one tiny shot;

  8. They are beauties... I wouldn't have thought people would be buying and shipping vintage American cars that far... must be expensive, don't you think??

  9. You seem to have more restored American cars there than over here! Love that Edsel.

  10. It's a lot of cars Birdman. So much so that many American car enthusiasts are flying over to Sweden to try and buy them back which has meant that the prices on the now renovated cars have gone up dramatically the last few years. That is actually the case Red Pat.

  11. My third car was a 1957 Ford Fairlane...bought it new (demo) was gorgeous but a piece of junk. A real lemon. Traded it for a 1955 Chevy.

  12. Wow! wow wow!
    Tvårfärgade bilar med tvåfärgade däck är min svaghet :)
    Från 50-talet förståss!
