Thursday, August 18, 2011

That Old Tree

That Old Tree

Last time I showed you the old tree was when I took a portrait of Josefin. On this visit there was a few girls horseback riding near the Swedish Whitebeam, but I didn't stick around long enough to see if were Josefin. But as I made my way back to the bike I could hear the girls riding up the path towards the tree at full speed.


  1. This photo is a beauty!

    word verification: wish

  2. That tree has seen a lot in it's very long life span Steffe.

  3. Love the old tree series, I'm looking for a Sydney version

  4. I like the long winding road... it's almost poetical.

  5. Love the old tree...but it wouldn't be the same without the path/road...

  6. That old tree is looking pretty healthy. Last week I took a photo of a big old tree that I thought looked like yours. When I put it on the computer screen it was disappointing, so it won't find its way to a post.

  7. Love the old tree story Steffe. Taking a leaf out of your book, a little while ago, I went back to a tree in a nearby park just to take another look and to include again in a post.
