Friday, August 05, 2011

The Butcher

The Butcher

There's a new butcher in town. His name is Dennis Nordström He opened his own butcher shop in Handen last week. It is called DN Kött. Here he is dressed in the traditional butcher coat. Dennis makes his own sausages and you can also buy lamb meat at the shop that is located at Runstensvägen near the mall. So if you live in Haninge stop by for a sausage at DN Kött and say hello from me.


  1. Wonderful portrait Steffe. It is almost a fashion shot! I wish we still had butcher shops in the city.

  2. I hope he is very careful at work. I once met a butcher whose fingers on his left had were not full length due to occupational accidents/injuries.

  3. He's a very nice looking butcher Steffe, I'm sure he will get many young ladies coming in ..!

  4. Such an interesting face. Nice portrait, Steffe.

  5. I was thinking the same thing, PDP!

  6. A very stylish portrait today. The black cap and ruby coat make a strong statement.

  7. now this is a nice butcher.. those eyes!! :)
    i never went to the butcher but if i were in your town...

  8. So in Sweden, someone who would be a major fashion model in any other country, becomes a butcher.

  9. I love the way you feature people. I need to start doing that!
