Friday, May 13, 2011

You Made My Day

You Made My Day

Alex was easy to spot. Hat, earrings, beard, big and colorful tattoo, and a longboard will often be enough to get noticed I think. Alex is 25 and works with welfare services for the disabled. When I met him in Västerhaninge on Wednesday he was out with two friends working on improving his sliding technique on the longboard. When he is not doing that he sometimes designs jewellery like the elephant necklace he is wearing here. He told me that I made his day when I asked him for a portrait. I like that sort of response.


Oh, and I hope the blogger people get their act together so we can see our posts from yesterday sometime soon.


  1. Again, great portrait Steffe!

  2. Now if I was to get a tat that is the direction to go - lots of colour and detail!
    Hope to see yesterday's post soon!

  3. It's visible again now Pat.It was a portrait of a young banker.

  4. Love the contrast to the previous portrait! Glad Blogger is back up.

  5. I love the contrast too! I like both looks. I must have a split personality.

  6. Great Street Portraits, Steffe!
    Wonderful and interesting series.

  7. Oh, good grief! Fine portrait, however.

  8. Steffe:

    Your photography is so dynamic. It is as if you are a roving reporter. From hedgehog to the tatooed ones to young bankers to truck accidents. Wow! so much to see. And so vivid.

    Keep snappin'

  9. It's always nice to get an encouraging response from the people you photograph. Nice one.

  10. Sorry, this guy is surely picturesque, but he is a walking collection of almost everything I dislike...

  11. Blogger seems back to normal now... Have to agree with Luis, it is another of you great portraits.
