Monday, May 16, 2011

Winter vs. Spring

Winter vs. Spring

Obviously I prefer the spring half of this diptych as I am a summer person. I shot that photo at the Tungelsta commuter station a couple of days ago. The winter photo dates back to 2007 and in you have been to this photo blog before, chances are that you will recognise that mirror.


  1. Very clever. Nice bit of combining the two images into one. The winter image is pretty, but I think we would all rather be in the spring picture.

  2. If this is an exam, it is a pretty easy one. I'm all for the warmer weather. Your combined shots are very clever.

  3. I love these two-season shots of yours. You should publish a book of them.

  4. You are a master of photo software. I wouldn't even try this. The winter/spring contrast is interesting. Like you, I vote for warm weather.

  5. Very creative, Steffe. Visually, quite an impact.

  6. I always like these photo stiches that you do.

  7. Hi Steffe, I just been looking through your blog, I love all the portraits you do and I can't get over how sunny and summery it looks at the moment in Sweden! The girls at the lake have got less clothes on than me here in South Italy!

  8. I love those photos you do too. Yes, they would make a nice book - a 'coffee table' book.

  9. I like your season comparisons! I'm tired of winter so I'd prefer the spring side!

  10. Creative picture, well done!
    I like these combinations.

  11. Excellent! Every time I see these pictures of yours I plan to copy them, then I forget...

  12. This is a realy nice picture! Nice detail that you're visible. Enjoy spring :-)

  13. What a super idea! I really like it. Both views are equally interesting. As long as you were bundled up well in the lefthand winter shot, then it's just as pleasant as the more tropical righthand version!

  14. Fabulous! I think I will go for the spring please.
