Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Not so Candid Portrait

A Not so Candid Portrait

It's tricky sometimes to shoot candid portraits. At least when you are standing so close that the babe in question can hear the camera click. But in the end it made for a better portrait.


  1. The babe in question looks like she's gonna bop the photographer in question!

  2. I agree she doesn't look too pleased about having her picture taken

  3. She was hoping you were reaching for the delete button.

  4. Soaking up the sun! It must be great to see Winter in your rear view mirror.

  5. I guess she is not showing how happy she is to have her picture taken in the picture. ;)

  6. On digital cameras we could eliminate the nefarious click, it could be useful sometimes, but nobody does it!

  7. soaking up some much need sunshine! Hopefully this babe was ok with having her photo taken. :)

  8. Probably secretly thrilled!

    That it is Margaret.

    The camera I used for this was my old digital rebel. If I wanted to I could make it completely silent by locking up the mirror. To be able to do that all I have to do is install a firmware hack. More info here.
