Monday, May 30, 2011

The Chainsaw Artist

The Chainsaw Artist

This is Åke Herrström. A chainsaw sculptor from Norrköping. He has worked in the forest for more than thirty years so he knows how to handle a chainsaw. I met him on Sunday at the Berga Agricultural College during the open-house weekend. He was invited by Studieförbundet vuxenskolan (adult education), and you can see on of their representatives in the slideshow. Åke made this beautiful eagle in no time at all, and it was impressive to see him in action. He showed me some of his earlier sculptures, including a one to one scale Harley Davidson, a work which took him one long summer to create. I asked him if he knew Lennart Jansson another chainsaw artist that I met three years ago and he told me that they had met a few times. To see more of Åke's sculptures check out the photos at his web site.


  1. beau diaporama de cet artiste, cela doit être assez dangereux, pas intérêt de faire un geste de trop ;)

  2. Ake is quite an artist! Cool chainsaw carving!
    Glad mandag fran EAGAN

  3. I wonder if he also does sculpture with blocks of ice. The two arts seem similar in technique to me.

  4. I'd hurt myself with a chisel, I'd hate to think what I would do with a chainsaw! He's a very clever artist.

  5. That's amazing that he can do that with a chain saw!

  6. Good to do something artistic with a chainsaw..wouldn't think he could get such fine detail with such a thing!

  7. It was great to see Åke in action.
