Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's Still Winter

It's still winter

It hasn't been easy to get around as a pedestrian or a cyclist this winter. Walking on the snowy and icy sidewalks have been scary to say the least. I am still amazed that I haven't broken any bones this winter. This week I have been playing Kamikaze cyclist as I have navigated the walkways. All of the roads are fine, there's no snow or ice on them, but no one seems to care much about the sidewalks.


  1. pas facile de trouver le passage piétonnier ;)))

  2. Uff da, du lever et farligt sted :(

  3. I can imagine the mess when all that snow will begin to melt! A welcome mess maybe...

  4. It has been raining here since yesterday and the snow is melting in the 5C weather so there is a lot of water making it hard to walk on the sidewalks without getting splashed by passing cars! There is always something to complain about.

  5. here the snow is melting away very quickly too!
    it shall pass.... ;)

  6. It snowed for a few hours yesterday but as it is warmer now that new snow melted away in a few hours time. It's been warm and sunny today so the left over snow is melting away rapidly here as well.

  7. It's about the same here in Vermont.
