Sunday, January 09, 2011



Swedish word of the day: Uteservering. In English, Outdoor Café. The restaurant at Allévägen in Tungelsta looked a bit more inviting back in May when I took a photo for a New York Times project.


  1. What a difference a few months makes! I rather like the snowy shot...and what goes better on a cold, winter's day than a hot pizza?

  2. Not very inviting at this point, but oooh, pizza!

  3. Better to sit inside at this time.

    And it really shows how big the differece is.

    The snow is gone here, for a while, I think.

  4. Even a cup of java would be hard to handle in this setting.

  5. I hear you. If this was my restaurant there wouldn't be any snow on the deck. Looks really bad for business, but great for photographers! They have karaoke night here so the chances of seeing me in there are slim. Bu, when I was a kid I used to hang here, back then it was a cafe, and they had a meatball sandwich here that was very good. And pinball games.

  6. I can read 'pizza' and that's enough...

  7. Nothing like Pizza on a snowy day! Nice photo too.

  8. Not much out door dining going on these days!

  9. I see you own comment - snow or not snow at the tables indicate the mental set of the owner, a selling or not selling attitude. You still have much snow.

  10. Just a wee difference. I like in the May shot how you can see you taking the picture and the dog of course. That's funny with the comments, I never associate pizza with cold day. I think hot chocolate and soups.
    We finally got our snow today, I'm a happy camper. Nothing like you've been having though!

  11. WOW! You have a lot more snow than we do right now. But I'd prefer to be there when it's a little warmer!

    I had a 1949 India when I was young.

  12. LOL, can I have a slice of pizza please? We ended up with 3 inches, everything has come to a stop outside, people dont know how to drive in it.
