Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's Still Summer!

It's Still Summer!

Summer is officially over. Since then there has been a few cold and rainy weeks in Stockholm. But that didn't stop Barzin from dressing like Summer was still here. I met him in Handen a couple of days ago. Barzin is a student at KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology. He is studying Architectural Lighting at the Haninge campus. He is originally from Iran and will stay in Sweden for two years. I noticed his shirt and asked if he was a football fan. And that he was. He has two favorite teams, FC Barcelona and Chelsea FC.


  1. Nice shot. I love his t-shirt.

  2. Very nice portrait. We have people like that here, too. They come to Florida from the northland and think they can run around in T-shirts when it's 45 degrees (F)...

    Yes, it does get all the way down to 45 degrees the winter.

  3. I was wearing a t-shirt when I met Barzin and had it been one degree warmer I would also had worn my khaki shorts, but it does get a bit chilly on the bike this time of the year.
