Monday, May 10, 2010

The PussyCattyCat

The PussyCattyCat

This is Sandra. I met her in Handen. She had an appointment, but had time for a chat and a few portraits. Sandra is an artist who works with logo design and tattoo design. To make ends meet she also works as a personal assistant.If you want to see some of her art work check out PussyCattyCat at deviantART. If you are curious about the name, it's from a song by the Nazis from Mars. For another portrait of Sandra check out my tumblr site.


  1. Another wonderful portrait. I like the wall you have been using as backdrop.

  2. un beau portrait, qui fait tres look année 1960

  3. She's prette and I am sure she's goot at her work. Both of them...

  4. She has such a mysterious, playful air.

  5. Nice streetshot /fashionshot.

    And noone else (here on CDP manage to do it as natural as you do.)

  6. Good pic! I love her jacket. When you take pictures of poeple do you know them? Or do you just walk up and say "hey can I take your picture?"

  7. I only take street portraits of people that I don't know. A couple of years ago I joined the 100 Strangers project at flickr and got addicted. It sure beat taking photos of old houses. Everyone will get my card with web sites and contact info.

  8. another super portrait. you need to do a book :)

  9. The stories you tell about the people makes it so interesting :)
